오픽 롤플레이 만능 스크립트 - 예약하기, 문제해결 예시 모음자격증/OPIc (오픽) 2024. 5. 28. 23:23728x90반응형
오픽 롤플레이 문항으로 주로 나오는 전화로 예약하면서 질문하기, 전화해서 문제상황 해결하기 문제에서
한번 외우면 두고두고 활용할 수 있는 문장들을 가져왔습니다.
유튜브에서 본 표현인데 입에 붙게해서 이번주말 시험때 써먹으려구요 (벼락치기 중입니다)
✅ 롤플에서 중요한것! — 의문사 올바르게 사용할 것, Filler 많이 써도 괜찮고, 길게 말 안해도 괜찮으니 자연스럽게!
(용건) ~~~에 대해 문의드릴 것이 있어요.
Hello, I’d like to ask you some questions about ___________.
Can you help me with that?(요청) 이거 있나요? 저거 가능한가요? 내가 해야 하는건 뭔가요? 등등
So, I was wondering if ____________. / Actually, I'm calling because____________.
OK, Could you let me know ____________________?
Great. One more thing. Do I have to___? / Do you have ___? / Is there ___?(인사) 도와줘서 고마워요. 좋은하루 보내세요.
Thanks for helping me (out).
Have a lovely day. / Have a great day.
(1) 티켓예매
Hello, I’d like to ask you some questions about getting tickets for the concert. Can you help me with that?
So, I was wondering if there’s any tickets available. I need two tickets.
Oh, could you let me know the price for each ticket?
Good, I have one more question. How can I make the payments for the tickets?OK, Thanks for helping me out. Have a lovely day.
(2) 식당예약
Hello, I’d like to ask you some questions about reservation. Can you help me with that?
So, I was wondering if there’s any table available for two, umm, tomorrow at 6pm.
Oh, I see. Can I have a table by the window? Great.
One more thing. Do you have a parking lot?
OK, thanks for helping me. Have a lovely day.(3) 호텔예약
Hello, I’d like to ask you some questions about room reservation. Can you help me with that?
So, I was wondering if there’s any single room for tonight.
Oh, I see. could you let me know the price for room?
One more thing. Is there a shuttle bus? Good.
OK, thanks for helping me. Have a lovely day.
(4) 하자있는 제품 교환 요청하기
Hello, I’d like to ask you some questions about the smartphone. I bought this from your online shop.
Actually, I’m calling because this smartphone is not working.
Yeah, I’d like to exchange this one. So, what should I do?
OK, my name is XXX, and I have the receipt.
Do I have to pay for delivery? No? Great.
I’ll send it tomorrow, so please send me a new one as soon as possible.
OK, thanks for helping me out. Have a great day.
(5) 분실물에 대해 설명하고 요청하기
Hello, I’d like to ask you some questions about lost item.
Actually, I’m calling because I think I’ve left my purse at that place.If you happen to find my purse, could you please call me back?
Thanks. My name is XXX. Please call me back as soon as possibble.
Thanks for helping me out. Have a great day.
(6) 호텔 룸 문제를 설명하고 해결하기
Hello, I’m calling from room 202. Well, there’s a problem.
Actually, I’m calling because this room is too dirty.
Can you send me someone to make up the room as soon as possible?
Ten minutes? OK. Also, we don’t have enough amenities in this room.
OK, I’ll be waiting. Thanks for helping.
참고1: 해커스 토스·오픽 유튜브 채널 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDSu-7HoBaM&t=1473s)
참고2: 클래스101 오픽 강의
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