
  • 오픽 스크립트 모음(2) - 여가 및 취미 - 음악, 영화, 공연, 콘서트
    자격증/OPIc (오픽) 2024. 5. 30. 17:20

    ✔️  외운티 나지 않도록 자연스럽게, 필러와 높낮이 신경쓸 것!

    ✔️  시제주의!! 묘사,설명,일상,루틴일 때는 현재시제 / 경험일 때는 과거시제 꼭 사용할 것!

    ✔️  문장 길게 늘이기보다 다양한 형용사 사용해서 점수딸 것!

    ✔️  사전설문 Background Survey 참고: https://buly.kr/2fbYD6E

    1️⃣ [묘사/설명]  어떤 음악을 좋아하는가? 좋아하는 아티스트와 그 이유에 대해 설명해달라. 

    ✅ 요새 올드팝을 즐겨듣고, 좋아하는 가수는 비틀즈라고 말하는 내용 (영어로 말하기 무난하게)

    You know, I listen to different kinds of music.

    So Umm,There are pop, rock, jazz, and other things in my playlist.

    Well, these days, I enjoy listening to old pop music.

    I like that beacuse, umm, it’s not that up-tempo like most songs these days.

    Especially, I’m a big fan of The Beatles. Actually, my mom always put on some music when i was a kid.

    Well, their emotional lyrics and melodies give me positive feelings. What about you?

    2️⃣ [묘사/설명]  어떤 영화를 좋아하는가? 얼마나 자주? 최근 본 영화는 무엇인지 설명해달라. 

    ✅ 영화를 자주 보는데 특히 디즈니 등 애니메이션 영화를 좋아하고, 메시지와 비주얼이 감명깊다는 설명

    Let me see.. I like most movies, no matter what.

    So, I try to watch movies at least once or twice a week.

    Umm.. Actually, My favorite movies are animated movies from Disney, Pixar, and Ghibli, you know.

    I think their movies give life lessons to grown adults as well. Their messages are so impressive.

    And, visual enjoyment cannot be left out. They're awesome.

    recently watched a Disney movie called “Elemental”, it was so impressive.
    What I'm trying to say is, the visual splendor and storyline was strong.

    To be honest, I was almost crying during the climax.

    3️⃣ [묘사/설명]  주로 가는 영화관에 대해 자세히 묘사하라. 

    ✅ 영화관이 집에서 가까이에 있고, 맘에 드는 점들을 설명

    Umm, I usually go to the movie theatre near my house. It takes about, umm, ten minutes by bus.

    Well, it’s not that spacious, but it’s well maintained.

    You know, it’s very crowded with a lot of people on the weekends.

    But, umm... What I like about the theatre is the big screen and quality sound system.

    So, I think this theatre is the great place to spend time.

    4️⃣ [일상/루틴]  주로 영화보기 전후로 하는 일들에 대해 설명해달라. 

    ✅ 온라인/앱으로 영화를 알아보고 예매한다, 영화보고 나면 쇼핑하거나 밥먹는다고 설명

    OK, the first thing I do is check the reviews online.

    It’s super easy to get information. But you should be careful of spoilers, you know.

    Then, I always book tickets through the app. Well, I think that way is easier and, umm, has more benefits.

    And then, I meet my friends or my family. We buy some snack, drinks, or something.

    And after the movie, I usually go shopping or have dinner. We spend time talking about the movie.





    5️⃣ [묘사/설명]  주로 가는 공연장/콘서트장에 대해 자세히 묘사하라.

    ✅ 아트센터에 대해 맘에 드는 점들을 설명 (사실 가본적도 없음 구라임)

    Well, I think The Art Center is my favorite concert hall.

    First of all, I think the acoustics of the hall is excellent.

    Umm, also, this place is pretty convenient for transportation. It’s directly connected to the subway station. And it’s close to my place, compared to other halls.

    Actually, I’m planning to go there next month.

    6️⃣ [일상/루틴]  공연/콘서트를 얼마나 자주, 주로 누구랑 가는지 설명해달라.

    ✅ 최소 한달에 한번은 동생과 함께 공연을 간다, 온라인을 위주로 돌아가는 루틴을 설명

    How often? Hmm.. I try to go to concerts at least once a month.

    I usually go there with my brother. We have same taste.

    Well, I always book tickets online. I think it’s pretty easy and quick.

    And I check the information and reviews online, too.

    And, umm.. after watching, I also leave reviews online.

    Oh.. Come to think of it, all the routines are online.

