
  • 오픽 스크립트 모음(6) - 돌발주제 - 대중교통, 은행
    자격증/OPIc (오픽) 2024. 6. 1. 00:16

    ✔️  외운티 나지 않도록 자연스럽게, 필러와 높낮이 신경쓸 것!

    ✔️  시제주의!! 묘사,설명,일상,루틴일 때는 현재시제 / 경험일 때는 과거시제 꼭 사용할 것!

    ✔️  문장 길게 늘이기보다 다양한 형용사 사용해서 점수딸 것!

    ✔️  모를 때는 모른다고 말하고 문제넘기기, 참고: https://buly.kr/1c71kxg

    1️⃣ [설명]  우리나라의 대중교통, 그리고 선호하는 대중교통 수단과 그 이유에 대해 설명해달라.

    ✅ 다른나라에 비해 대중교통이 잘 되어있고, 나는 지하철이 더 안전하고 시간을 잘 맞춰서 더 선호한다는 내용

    That’s a good question. Public transportation in Korea is well-organized compared to other countries.

    There are a lot of subway lines and umm, bus only lanes in or around Seoul.

    Also, transfer discounts are available.

    So, many people use public transportation. That’s why umm, using buses or subways is cost-effective.

    The one I prefer is the subway. I think, compared to buses, subways are safer and more puntual.

    2️⃣ [경험]  대중교통 관련 기억에 남는 경험을 설명해달라.

    ✅ 사람이 너무 많아서 지하철에서 못 내린 경험이 있다는 내용

    Well, During the commute, it is always packed with a lot of people. It’s really tiring.

    There was one day when umm.. I couldn’t get off at the station because there were so many people.

    And.. yeah, I had to get off at the next station and go back.

    So, I'm trying not to be like that these days. It was a bad memory..

    3️⃣ [경험]  대중교통의 현재와 과거를 비교해라.

    ✅ 과거에 비해 발전했다, 대중교통 라인이 많아졌고 혜택이 있는 카드가 생겼다는 내용

    Well, I think the public transportation system is umm, getting better and better, compared to the past.

    In the past, there used to be only a few lines, but now? there are many lines, so you can go anywhere.

    Furthermore, starting this year, mileage cards are available, so you can benefit from them.

    Well, I think public transportation is much more convenient than before.




    4️⃣ [설명]  주로 가는 은행, 그리고 왜 가는지, 가서 어떤 것을 하는지 설명해달라.

    ✅ 가까운 은행에서 여행가기 전 환전이 주로 하는 일이고, 요새 젊은 사람들은 주로 온라인으로 처리한다는 내용

    Well, you know, in Korea, banks and ATMs are literally all over the place.

    If I really have to visit the bank, I usually go to the Shinhan Bank which is super close to my place.

    What I usually do at the bank is the currency exchange before traveling abroad.

    The bank is clean and the tellers are very friendly. And umm.. nowadays, main customers are the elderly.

    I think that's because umm.. young people like me mostly do banking online or on mobile.

    For small things like umm, checking my balance or transferring money, I usually use the bank application.

    5️⃣ [비교]  은행의 현재와 과거를 비교해라.

    ✅ 예전엔 무조건 은행에 가서 처리해야 했지만, 지금은 언제 어디서나 모바일 뱅킹을 할 수 있어서 편하다는 내용

    Well, when I was young, people had to go to the bank to do their banking.

    We had to take the time to visit the bank, line up and wait.

    But these days, you know, we can use mobile banking.

    This means that umm, you can handle banking anytime and anywhere.

    We can transfer money, check accounts, or even take out loans with just a few taps on our smartphones.

    I think it’s really comfortable and efficient.

