
  • 오픽 스크립트 모음(7) - 돌발주제 - 패션, 재활용
    자격증/OPIc (오픽) 2024. 6. 1. 00:51

    ✔️  외운티 나지 않도록 자연스럽게, 필러와 높낮이 신경쓸 것!

    ✔️  시제주의!! 묘사,설명,일상,루틴일 때는 현재시제 / 경험일 때는 과거시제 꼭 사용할 것!

    ✔️  문장 길게 늘이기보다 다양한 형용사 사용해서 점수딸 것!

    ✔️  모를 때는 모른다고 말하고 문제넘기기, 참고: https://buly.kr/1c71kxg

    1️⃣ [설명]  가장 좋아하는 옷의 종류 그 이유에 대해 설명해달라.

    ✅ 다양한 옷을 좋아하지만 원피스가 편하고 단정해서 좋고, 액세서리 매칭에 대한 설명

    Well, I like to dress up different kinds of clothes.

    But my favorite item is one-piece dress. Especially, I like wearing dresses that are not too tight.

    Those things are not only comfortable, but they also make me look neat.

    Also, I enjoy using matching accessories. They add diversity to my style and make me stand out.

    Anyway, I like the way I dress.

    2️⃣ [비교]  우리나라 패션의 과거와 현재를 비교해달라.

    ✅ 예전엔 스키니진이 유행했지만, 최근엔 오버사이즈 바지가 유행이고, 사람들이 개성적으로 입는다는 내용

    Well, I think many people in Korea are trendy. Almost 10 years ago, skinny jeans were hot items in Korea.

    I remember when almost girls wore skinny jeans. That was the trend back then.

    But nowadays, you can easily find people wearing oversized pants or skirts.

    I mean, skinny jeans have gone out of fashion.

    In my opinion, oversized pants and skirts are much more comfortable. I love them.

    Well, these days, people seem to just wear clothes to show their individuality, compared to before.




    3️⃣ [설명]  우리나라의 재활용에 대해 설명해달라.

    ✅ 한국은 다른나라에 비해 재활용 시스템이 훌륭하고, 이건 환경보호를 위해 필요하다는 내용

    Well, That’s a good question.

    I’d have to say that, in Korea, there is well put together recycling system for various items.

    I think this is the one of great things about Korea.

    You know, recycling is essential for environmental protection,

    but from what I know, other countries do not recycle as hard as Korea.

    Umm, I live in an apartment complex, and there is designated place for recycling.
    We seperate recyclables into types, plastics, papers, cans, ..you know.

    I believe that recycling makes the world a better place to live.

    4️⃣ [설명]  가정에서 재활용을 언제, 어떻게 하고 있는지 설명해달라.

    ✅ 재활용품 분리를 집에서 해놓고, 아파트 단지 안에 정해진 장소해서 분리배출을 한다는 설명

    Hmm, at home? My family and I think recycling is very important.

    I have to seperate the garbage into plastic, paper, cans, and glasses at home.

    Oh, there are bags for each category on the balcony.

    We throw out recycling once a week. you know, there is designated place in an apartment complex.

    It’s a kind of hassle, but it’s worth the effort.

