
  • 오픽 스크립트 모음(5) - 돌발주제 - 가족, 친구, 휴일, 명절, 기념
    자격증/OPIc (오픽) 2024. 5. 31. 21:24

    ✔️  외운티 나지 않도록 자연스럽게, 필러와 높낮이 신경쓸 것!

    ✔️  시제주의!! 묘사,설명,일상,루틴일 때는 현재시제 / 경험일 때는 과거시제 꼭 사용할 것!

    ✔️  문장 길게 늘이기보다 다양한 형용사 사용해서 점수딸 것!

    ✔️  모를 때는 모른다고 말하고 문제넘기기, 참고: https://buly.kr/1c71kxg

    1️⃣ [설명]  당신 가족에 대해서 설명해달라. 

    ✅ 대학 다니는 남자형제가 있다고 간단하게 설명

    OK, let me tell you about my brother. 
    His name is Isaac. And he is a university student in his mid-20s.
    He is majoring in electronic engineering. Obviously, he is looking for a lab to get into graduate school.

    He has a nice personality, but he annoys me sometimes, you know what I mean.
    Anyway, I hope he does well.

    2️⃣ [설명]  당신의 가장 친한 친구에 대해서 설명해달라. 

    ✅ 대학 다닐때 친해진 친구가 있다고 간단하게 설명

    My best friend? All right, let me tell you about Jin.

    She is my best friend. We went to the same university and we majored in the same department.

    Umm, we became close while working on team projects together.

    I think she is so friendly and thoughtful. Well, she gets along well with everyone.

    Anyway, We often hang out together. I try to see her at least once a month. That’s why we’re both busy.

    3️⃣ [경험]  최근 가족 혹은 친구 집에 방문한 경험에 대해 설명해달라. 

    ✅ 어버이날에 부모님댁을 방문해서 선물을 드리고 같이 저녁을 먹었다는 내용

    Actually, I recently visited my parents for Parents’ Day.

    Well, I gave my mom a pearl necklace. She was appreciated very much.

    And, I gave my dad sneakers. ‘Cause his old sneakers were literally worn out.

    My mom said he went jogging today wearing thoes sneakers. To be honest, I was proud.

    Anyway, we had some sushi for dinner. I had a great time with my family.




    4️⃣ [설명]  우리나라의 휴일에 대해 설명해달라. 

    ✅ 추석에 가족을 만나서 차례를 지내고 송편을 먹는다, 요새는 해외여행 가는 사람도 많다는 내용

    Holidays in Korea? well, let me tell you about Chuseok.

    It’s Korean national Thanksgiving Day. Chuseok is August fifteenth in the lunar calendar.

    On this day, we usually meet families and pay respect to ancestors.

    Also, we eat special food, Song-pyeon. It’s a rice cake and umm, bean paste is in it, well, it's delicious.

    Nowadays, from what I know, many people travel abroad rather than go hometown and meet their families.

    You know, it’s the trend of the times.

    5️⃣ [설명]  특정 휴일에 대해서, 그리고 사람들이 주로 무얼 하는지 자세히 설명해달라. 

    ✅ 크리스마스에 사랑하는 사람들과 함께 선물을 교환 등을 하고, 특유의 분위기를 좋아한다는 내용

    There are some holidays we celebrate in Korea, but umm, I love celebrating Christmas.

    You know, it’s celebrated all over the world. Well, people spend time with their loved ones.

    Also they exchange presents and umm, decorate Christmas trees.

    My family celebrate Christmas togerther by eating a fancy cake. I think it’s really meaningful.

    What I most like is the unique atmosphere of Christmas.

    I think other people love the Christmas mood, too. What about you?

