오픽 스크립트 모음(10) - 돌발주제 - 날씨, 계절자격증/OPIc (오픽) 2024. 6. 1. 14:02728x90반응형
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1️⃣ [설명] 우리나라의 날씨에 대해 자세히 묘사해달라.
✅ 한국은 뚜렷한 사계절이 있다, 계절별로 특징 하나씩 설명하는 내용
All right, I could say that Korea has four distinct seasons.
Spring is usually warm, but sometimes cold, and um.. especially in Korea, there’s yellow dust in this season.
Well, summer in Korea is not only hot, but also quite humid. I think it's best to be under the air conditioner.
In Fall, it becomes chilly, the sky becomes clear, and umm, the leaves appears to be like beautiful flowers.
As for winter in Korea, it's freezing cold and we get a lot of snow. It's best to just stay inside in this season.
You know, I think there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to having distinct four seasons.
2️⃣ [설명] 좋아하는 계절과 그때 하는 활동들에 대해 설명해달라.
✅ 가을은 나들이 가기 좋은 날씨와 단풍낙엽 구경 때문에 좋아한다는 내용
OK, my favorite season? I’d probably have to say my favorite season is Fall.
I love Fall because of the perfect weather. I think it’s great weather to enjoy outings with family or friends.
And the best part of Fall is that umm, you can see the leaves turning color and falling leaves.
Looking at the leaves in fall makes me feel healed and emotion.
So, in fall, I like to take walks, enjoy the wonderful scenery, and you know, take pictures.
3️⃣ [비교] 우리나라 날씨의 과거와 현재를 비교해달라.
✅ 예전엔 우리나라의 사계절이 뚜렷했지만, 요새는 여름과 겨울이 길어진다, 지구온난화 때문이라는 내용
Well, we used to have four distinct seasons, but nowadays, we have long and intense Summer and Winter.
I mean, Summer is super hot, Winter is freezing cold. And Spring and Fall keep getting shorter.
When I was a kid, the four seasons were quite distinct, and the temperature difference was not this severe.
You know, these things are known as climate crises caused by global warming.
Global warming is literally a global problem. I think it's time to take it really seriously.
4️⃣ [경험] 악천후와 관련된 기억에 남는 경험이 있다면 설명해달라.
✅ 대학 다닐때 학교에 있을 때, 폭설이 내려서 건물 불이 전부 나갔었다는 내용
Hmm, memorable experience.. well, it was super heavy snow.
When I was an undergraduate, umm, I was in the school lab, you know, heavy snow started pouring down.
Then all of a sudden, the lights went out.
I mean, the lights in the building. Now imagine us in the dark, terrified.
We contacted the management office, and tried various things, and finally just waited.. for a like an hour?
Fortunately, heavy snow began to stop. The building started lightning up.. that was a relief.
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