
  • 오픽 스크립트 모음(9) - 돌발주제 - 건강
    자격증/OPIc (오픽) 2024. 6. 1. 13:21

    ✔️  외운티 나지 않도록 자연스럽게, 필러와 높낮이 신경쓸 것!

    ✔️  시제주의!! 묘사,설명,일상,루틴일 때는 현재시제 / 경험일 때는 과거시제 꼭 사용할 것!

    ✔️  문장 길게 늘이기보다 다양한 형용사 사용해서 점수딸 것!

    ✔️  모를 때는 모른다고 말하고 문제넘기기, 참고: https://buly.kr/1c71kxg

    1️⃣ [설명]  건강 유지를 위해 사람들이 어떤 것들을 하는지 설명해달라.

    ✅ 건강 유지를 위해 올바른 식단, 규칙적인 운동, 멘탈 케어가 중요하다는 내용

    Hmm, you know, being healthy is all about living a balanced life.

    It's important to eat right, exercise regularly and umm.. maintain a healthy soul.

    I think, the most important thing to stay healthy is eating good food.

    Having a well-balanced diet is a great way to stay in shape.

    Also, people need to work out. Working out is good for your mind as well as your body.

    And, we need to think positively. Well, I try to take care of my mind by meditating. It improves my mood.

    2️⃣ [설명]  주변의 건강한 지인에 대해, 그 사람이 어떤 습관을 가지고 있는지 설명해달라.

    ✅ 건강에 신경을 쓰는 친구가 있고, 식단과 운동을 여러가지 챙긴다는 설명

    Well.. I have a friend named Jinny. She is very health-conscious.

    She doesn't eat a big meal. She often enjoys a fresh salad with chicken breasts.

    Jinny is very active and umm, loves to stay fit.

    She starts her day with a refreshing jog to stay flexible.

    What is more, I heard that she swims regularly to keep her body strong and agile.




    3️⃣ [경험]  건강을 위해 어떤 것을 극복한 경험이 있는지 설명해달라.

    ✅ 작년에 건강검진 결과가 좋지 않았어서, 요새는 건강한 식단에 신경쓰고 있다는 내용

    Well, Last year, I gained some weight and felt easily tired umm, even though I wasn’t doing anyting hard.

    To be honest, the reason I started being health-conscious is my dortor’s advice.

    After a check-up, she pointed out that some of the results were not good.

    So.. nowadays, I always have salad for breakfast. And for dinner, I prefer traditional Korean dishes.

    So, in a nutshell, I’ve been trying to eat healty foods. And umm, I look up healthy snacks on the Internet.

    4️⃣ [비교]  세대에 따라서 건강에 대한 인식이 어떻게 다른지 비해달라.

    ✅ 요새 젊은사람들은 건강에 관심이 많은 것 같지만, 부모세대는 일하느라 바빠서 그렇지 못했던 것 같다는 내용

    I think it seems that younger people nowadays are more actively enjoying healthy food.

    Because they can get various information on the SNS.

    For example, even at a coffee shop, you can easily grab a bite to eat with fresh and nutritious salad.

    What I'm trying to say is that umm.. restaurants that serve healthy food are gradually increasing.

    On the other hand, it seems like my parents’ generation was too busy working hard to support their families.

    So, to recap, I think my generation is more health-conscious than my parents’ generation.

